18 August 2008

Free People Search Engine -- For You

Free People Search Engine

So, in the midst of searching for my friend Dawn N in OR, I came across a site that was advertising a free people search engine -- for you to own and use and possibly make some extra money from the leads that the page generates. At least 30% of the searches being done are people searches...that is a lot of traffic (especially considering that there are over 1 billion internet users worldwide).

How much does it cost to get this program? Nothing. You pay the company no direct money to get access to this free people search engine. Huh? That sounds different...


Well, it is. The only out of pocket cost to you is the cost of a domain name, and that is it. When you decide this is something you want to do, you are then given a "homework" assignment and come back and input the information. After a few signups and a domain name, you send the information requested and he does the setting up of the engine for you and inputs all of your links.

So, you only pay the domain company a small fee for a website and domain name, and the rest gets done for you.

The next part is the best -- advertising. Well, the company will do advertising for you -- for free. They advertise your free people search engine for you through Google, Yahoo, and MSN (actually, he advertises through other means as well -- I have seen other types of searches logged through my traffic sites link provided). How great is that?

The bottom line is that when you make money, the company does as well. :)

Having said all this, you should do yourself a favor and at least look at it just to see what it is about. I did and do not regret any of the $400 I have made within the last 2 weeks from my free people search engine. :)


Free People Search Engine

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